I picked up my phone and was about to call AT & T, to cancel my long distance with them when I did a "D'OH!"
We had switched from Pacific Bell Long Distance to Working Assets about 2 years ago. After we switched, Pacific Bell became SBC which is now AT & T. I am SO sorry I won't have the chance to collect my $1000 from AT & T unless they gave out records stemming back to 2002. Which, of course is very possible knowing this bunch of spies in the White House.
By the way, Working Assets is a fantastic liberal company. Part of their profits goes to charity; in addition, you can choose to overpay your monthly bill and have that go to charity. At the end of the year, they will tell you how much you're contributing, then ask you which organizations you want to contribute to. They have everything from Nature Conservation to Breast Cancer to AIDS to well, a ton of organizations.
So, here - click on the following link. And know that Working Assets would fight the government tooth and nail rather than roll over for the government.
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