That's the best photo I could get so far today of the two kitties. Our building is having worked done on the outside, right next to our unit and so both cats are a bit freaked about the noise. They won't even be out here in the living room with me right now because of the noise.
The short haired one to the left is Gizi. We've had her since November of 2006 and we think she's about a year old right now. She has a cold, poor thing. Last night when I went to the bathroom, she followed me in to get some lovin's and sneezed icky snot all over my foot. As you can see, she still looks like a kitten and we think she won't grow any bigger than her size now.
The one to the right is Omega. See all that pretty red hair? She is the first kitty I've known to have really red hair, not the dumb orange (every orange kitty I've had, I haven't gotten along with). Her fur is amazing AND she doesn't shed much.
She's starting to know her name but damned if she'll come when you call her. Gizi, on the other hand, keeps hoping for food or play when you call so she'll run to you every time.
I think Gizi's mine and Omega is Bratworse's but we'll see. Right now, Omega's been sleeping next to her and Gizi next to me but that might change in the future.
I'll try and get more pictures of the two to post up here.
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