Saturday, August 18, 2007

A Nice Space

Oh my, Bratworse has created a really nice space here to call home. Today, we worked on cleaning out part of the guest bedroom and the rest of the living room. And gosh, does it all look nice.

We put the weight bench in front of the aquarium and now the kitties are perched there watching the fishies swim about, occasionally leaning against the glass to get closer looks. We put the coffee table in front of the fireplace, leaving a much emptier space in the middle and now we've got plenty of room to play with the kitties or play the Nintendo Wii.

I accidentally shrank the red cover to our couch, so we're back to the original beige, but we're keeping the cushions red.

The spare bedroom's coming along too. Just not there quite yet.

We definitely have a nice space.


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