Some people have those senses, some don't. Offhand, I can think of only one person who doesn't seem to have either; this pitiful person lives in my building. But a good public example right now is Senator Lieberman, who doesn't seem to have those senses either.
I'm fascinated by this race. Maybe I read too many political blogs, but I'm getting a vicarious thrill from watching people power as it pulls the rug out from under the establishment. Maybe, just maybe the U.S. can turn itself around from being a worshipper of corporations and the establishment, to one that embraces honesty and responsibility and honor. And the thing about this is, Ned Lamont seems to be having fun - see this video of Ned Lamont on The Colbert Show through Crooks and Liars.
Would you rather be scolded by Mr. Lieberman instead?
It’s time for Democrats who distrust President Bush to acknowledge that he will be the commander in chief for three more critical years and that in matters of war we undermine presidential credibility at our nation’s peril.
If you, like me, want someone to stand up to that imbecile in chief we have in the White House, please consider contributing to Ned Lamont. I just did. :)
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