So I see from my favorite WaPo writer that you start your vacation today.
I just wanted to wish you a happy first day! After all that hard work of bypassing the Senate to install your own bully boy into the U.N., after making sure you kissed the right ass (as in your new master in Saudi Arabia), after making sure you told the world that you want your minions as ignorant as you (Intelligent Design? Tell me, how can there be such a thing when YOU were created. You are so far from intelligent, there are amoebas with more brain function), you needed to clear away some brush on your ranch, huh?
It's not like there's a war going on, people dying, bombs going off.
So, kick off your boots, wallow in horseshit (oh wait, i'm sorry, that's your other residence) and pay no attention to the men behind the curtain. Oh, why should you? They're keeping the country running so you can have your month-long vacation.
(P.S. In my search for an appropriate picture for the ass-kissing I googled images. Though I found plenty featuring the-then Crown Prince and Bush holding hands, not ONE picture of the kiss. Can you find any? Or is the Patriot Act at work here?)
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