Hey, Mirror-Man... I see you've been hard at work. You demoted someone for refusing to distort the truth, and promoted someone who wants the truth suppressed. Gee, no wonder you think Cindy Sheehan isn't in the majority.
Oh, and I guess in your mirror, using Islam as the basis for law somehow magically distorts to simply a religious source. And freedoms are preserved yet according to Dr. Raja Kuzai who greeted you in public as "liberator" - oh excuse me, I had to barf - she's leaving Iraq cause "I wanted Iraqi women to be free, to be able to talk freely and to able to move around." The inference of this quote is that this new constitution of Iraq's doesn't allow women to be free, nor to talk freely, nor to be able to move around. But in your weird mirror-land, Iraqis are now free. Nice freedoms there. Oh wait, that's right, you're the one who called the Anti-American-ideal act the Patriot Act.
But don't worry. I know you have a hard time working without a script, so DeWayne Wickham of USAToday has graciously scripted out a possible scenario for you if you finally deign to meet with Cindy? See, no hard work - oh except telling the truth.
Filed under Politics & B.S.
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