Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Stop the Presses! Bush to Work...

but first, home to the old ranch to pick up his favorite pillow and oh yeah, his precious bike.

In light of the disaster that struck with no warning, Bush will leave immediately to his vacation home. It's hard work to fly across country without a stop first y'know.

But first thing Wednesday morning with pillow and bike in tow, he'll be heading to dry land where he can get his two hour bike ride and nap. After all, you can't bike in mud .

Oh, those of you without shelter tonight but with wet clothes? Don't worry, Bush will be thinking of you (and how to spin this so that it doesn't look like he pulled the NATIONAL guard out into international territory nor does it look like he took amphibious equipment designed to help out in floods to DESERT land). He's also figuring out a way to send you some of the birthday cake he shared with McCain and he's trying to figure out how to convert his guitar-jamming into an iTunes file so you guys can get it on podcast.


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