How was the trip out to Texas? Were all the brush there right where you left it?
BTW, just in case you didn't notice, you should invite Farm-Girl Schmidt out to the ranch to congratulate her on her narrow win. You two have a lot in common. Both of you squeaked out victories in your election, both of you are under the impression you grew up on ranches/farms, both of you lie through your teeth. See? Great dinner conversations.
I haven't had time to peruse the news to update you on what's happening in the world while you work on clearing brush and falling off your bike, since I actually have to work for a living, but when I do get a free moment from making a measly living, I'll put something up. In the meantime, make sure you do take time off, okay? We all know it's hard work NOT to provide armor for our troops, it's hard work to jab a thumb into the Senate's eyes, and it's hard work to advocate Creationism.
Filed under Politics and B.S.
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