Recenly, I've been accused of being a hippie.
My hippie friends would fall over dying of laughter.
I will not hike. That's like a cardinal sin for hippies.
I will not eat granola or any food remotely healthy for you (I live on pepsis). That's sacrilege to a hippie.
Vegetables send me screaming into the night searching for McDonald's. Going to McDonalds garners an hour's length of lectures from hippies.
Hippies have no problem with doing the following:
I am waaaaaaaay too uptight to be able to participate.
I am flattered to be called a hippie. They have much more integrity and compassion than the average human. But, I am not one. In fact, my close friends consider me to be a CAP - Chinese American Princess. And my closest friends? I'm SCDB to them. Alas, that doesn't make for a good acronym.
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