Friday, February 23, 2007

Another One Bites the Wii


Writerboy just informed me that he and the little missus scored a WIIIIIIIII!!!!!

That means that we'll have his avatars parading through our Wii and vice versa. This is so cool - Bratworse and I have been waiting for our friends to get Wiis as well so we can start playing games over the internet with them. We're hoping that we can play doubles tennis over the internet with our friends.

So far, we only have one Wii Buddy and that's my little cousin and his wife and kids' Wii. But one thing about having an Asian Wii buddy? All of our Miis start looking alike. No shit! Bratworse was cracking up about the fact that one of our Miis - the only blonde among the group totally stands out.

I'll have to try and put up pictures of some of our Mii avatars. Writerboy's avatar on our machine TOTALLY looks like him.


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